Many people just like you have found a home here. It is our goal to provide an environment where you can grow and develop in your walk of faith. We want to impact our community in a positive way for Jesus Christ through clear Bible teaching, a safe and clean nursery, exciting children's ministries, ministries that offer real guidance in a world with many choices, helpful classes and small groups, wonderful music, sincere worship, prayer and expressions of compassion. There are many fine churches in the Benson area and we are not in competition with any of them. We are what we are - a Bible-centered church where Jesus Christ is honored. We love people and exist to meet spiritual needs. It is sometimes a bit scary visiting a church for the first time, but we believe it's worth it. So, come give us a try. We hope you will feel right at home with us.
Here at Community Bible Church, we believe in vibrant, participatory Worship. At our 10:45 worship service each Sunday we offer a blend of traditional and contemporary worship.
Children's Church is available during the worship service. Adult Sunday school and fellowship begin at 9:30 before the morning service.
Mark your calendars for these great events coming up.